Our staff are well trained to mentor & guide in all aspects of camp life, from developing skills to engaging in conversations about life and faith. We are here to serve you!



General Director

With not only growing up at Pioneer Camp Alberta, Jenny has also been a consistent leader here for most of her life, even as she pursued other vocational callings and began to raise her family. Coming onboard in 2023 in the role of General Director, she is now responsible for both the Sundre and Rocky Mountain House sites.
Jenny holds degrees in both teaching and counselling and has worked as a counsellor in the school system and private practice. She has previous experience as a youth pastor and InterVarsity campus minister for high school students. Since 1999, she has also served consistently as a summer director at Pioneer Alberta.
When Jenny turned 10 years old, she began to attend Pioneer Alberta as a camper. However, her life at Pioneer began before she could walk, when her parents, Don and Margie Stinton, served at camp. Now her own children are campers.

“I was a staff kid,” says Jenny, “I have a deep connection to the history of Pioneer Alberta. I also have a clear calling to the future. As we emerge from the difficult years of the COVID pandemic, I am eager to help bring stability, clarify purpose and renew hope for this generation of young people.”
Jenny values camp as key place for children, teens, and young adults to know Jesus and experience God in significant ways.
“People need hope,” says Jenny. “So many people feel so stuck; camp gives them a break from the hard stuff of life and gives a sense that there could be connection, purpose and meaning.”
Email Jenny at [email protected]

Staff at Pioneer Lodge, Sundre



Bonnie finds great joy in keeping the books for Pioneer Camp Alberta for both of our sites. With a great attitude and a friendly demeanour, Bonnie is a great asset to Pioneer Camp. Bonnie and her husband, Scott, live in the Sundre area.


Registration & Website Coordinator
Della is originally from Manitoba and has worked in ministry overseas and in Canada for more than 30 years, with a focus on administration and teaching. Della has also worked to create online ESL courses for international students wishing to improve their English skills. In 2011, Della moved from Prince George, BC to Sundre, Alberta to join the staff at Pioneer Camp. She is the Registration & Website Coordinator at Pioneer Alberta for both the Sundre and Rocky Mountain House sites.


Guest & Personnel Administrative Coordinator
Growing up, Sandra attended Jr. and Sr. Girls and loves reminiscing with her kids about out-trips, horseback riding, and being on Crimson Lake at Pioneer Ranch.

Sandra and her husband, Jud, were married in 2000 after meeting at Pioneer Lodge in 1998. They have three children (Hunter, Tristan, and Emerson) who have also grown-up attending Pioneer summer camps.


Sandra is currently serving as the Guest and Personnel Administrative Coordinator for Alberta Pioneer Camp. With a solid background in office administration, Sandra brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role. Sandra’s attention to detail and organizational skills have proven invaluable in maintaining smooth operations at the camp.

Outside of work, Sandra can often be found walking her two dogs, volunteering at taekwondo classes, skiing, or paddle boarding. Sandra believes that there is no greater place for youth to meet and learn about Jesus than at Pioneer and is excited to re-join the Pioneer team.

Staff at Pioneer Ranch, Rocky Mountain House



Ranch Program Director
Laura and her family enjoy a life of adventure, having fun no matter where they are or what they are doing. From travel to camping, board games, and 4x4ing, they are always open to new experiences they can share with the people around them.

In 2022 they sold everything, moved into their travel trailer, and drove across Canada and the US for a year of exploring and intentional reconnection. After jumping into Pioneer Camp ministry in the Spring and Summer of 2023, Laura and her family fell in love with camp life and moved to the Ranch full- time.

As the year-round Program Coordinator at the Ranch, Laura is excited to meet new people, host groups and be more involved with IVCF, Pioneer Camps, and the surrounding communities.

Summer Teams

Each year, Pioneer Camp welcomes many young adults to our Summer Camp programs to teach, guide and support campers and oversee activities. These dedicated youth are the most valuable resource that we have. Positions available vary greatly but the same commitment and hard work is necessary for all.
We look for energetic young people who have a heart for God and who are willing to give of their time and energy to be models and mentors to the many campers who come to Pioneer Camp. Check out Summer Staff & Volunteer opportunities below.
Summer Staff